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U of Texas Health Science Center at Houston - AI/ML for healthcare- PhD student / postdoc




We are recruiting highly motivated Ph.D students and Postdoctoral fellow.

Our group is developing novel and advanced AI/ML for healthcare innovation, such as therapy development via protein language model, complex biological graph modeling, large language model for scientific discovery, and counterfactual inference. See research details at https://yejinjkim.github.io/

We are looking for highly motivated and talented applicants with strong background in computational field (CS, stats, ML, math, informatics). Priority will be given to those with strong proven track records.

1. PhD student position (graduate research assistant) is fully funded to cover tuition and living expenses.
2. University of Texas Health Science Center is ranked #2 worldwide in biomedical information.
3. We are not just academic institutes. We are working closely with hospitals and biotech to deliver actionable outcomes.
4. Texas is a blooming economy. California is not (Californian may argue)

See opportunities details at https://yejinjkim.github.io/opportunities

카카오 계정과 연동하여 게시글에 달린
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