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LK99초전도체의특허분석과 가능성?




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My question or instruction is: LK99초전도체의특허분석과 가능성?

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URL: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2023027536A1/en
TITLE: Room temperature and normal pressure superconducting ceramic compound, and method for manufacturing same
CONTENT: Room temperature and normal pressure superconducting ceramic compound, and method for manufacturing same
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Publication number
WO 2023027536 A1
WO2023027536 A1
WO 2023027536A1
KR 2022012773 W
KR2022012773 W
KR 2022012773W
WO 2023027536 A1
WO2023027536 A1
WO 2023027536A1
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URL: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2023027537A1/en
TITLE: Room-temperature and atmospheric-pressure superconducting ceramic compound and preparation method therefor
CONTENT: Room-temperature and atmospheric-pressure superconducting ceramic compound and preparation method therefor
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Publication number
WO 2023027537 A1
WO2023027537 A1
WO 2023027537A1
KR 2022012774 W
KR2022012774 W
KR 2022012774W
WO 2023027537 A1
WO2023027537 A1
WO 2023027537A1

URL: https://www.wired.com/story/inside-the-diy-race-to-replicate-lk-99/
TITLE: LK-99 Is Fueling a DIY Superconductivity Race
CONTENT: All that Andrew McCalip wanted for his 34th birthday was a shipment of red phosphorus. It was a tough request—the substance happens to be an ingredient for cooking meth and is controlled by the US Drug Enforcement Agency—but also an essential one, if McCalip was going to realize his dream of making a room-temperature superconductor, a holy grail of condensed matter physics, in his startup’s lab over the next week. It required four ingredients, and so far he had access to three.His followers on X (that is, Twitter, post-rebrand), offered ideas: He could melt down the heads of a pile of matchsticks, or try to buy it in pure form off Etsy, where the DEA might not be looking. Others offered connections to Eastern European suppliers. They were deeply invested in his effort. Like McCalip, many had learned about a possible superconductor called LK-99 earlier that week through a post on Hacker News, which linked to an Arxiv preprint in which a trio of South Korean researchers had claimed a discovery that, in their words, “opens a new era for humankind.” Now McCalip was among those racing to replicate it.Superconductivity—a set of properties in which electrical resistance drops to zero—typically appears only under frigid or high pressure conditions. But the researchers claimed LK-99 exhibited these qualities

URL: https://www.theverge.com/23820077/lk-99-superconductor-experts
TITLE: The LK-99 “superconductor” went viral — here’s what the experts think
CONTENT: Update August 8th 9:56AM: This post has been updated with recent results from research groups’ efforts to test LK-99. If you believe the hype, LK-99 could be revolutionary. It’s supposed to be a perfect superconductor that could help nuclear fusion become a reality and make levitating trains an easy way to commute. At least that’s the story that’s drummed up on social media — but it’s not what many experts think of the new discovery.The frenzy has picked up steam on Twitter (which is currently rebranding to X), Twitch, and Reddit, where LK-99 has been heralded as the physics breakthrough of a lifetime. Academic researchers and eager amateurs alike are racing to see if LK-99 is legit by making it themselves. That way, they can figure out if LK-99 really has the superpowers that the researchers who first discovered it wrote about in controversial papers they published in July. That’s the story that’s drummed up on social media — but it’s not what many experts thinkThe Verge spoke with a handful of experts in the field to try to sort the science from the hype. As much as they might love to see this kind of superconductor be successful — one that can conduct electricity with zero resistance in room temperature and ambient pressure — th

URL: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=7faf88f2-77e3-4cef-81b8-e19e882a9b3f
TITLE: Could this be the most important patent ever?
CONTENT: Room temperature superconductivity has been a dream for researchers and industry alike for many years, and it may have just been discovered. The ability to conduct electricity without loss of energy has the potential to revolutionise energy grids, transportation, and computing amongst many other industries. There may even be currently unknown applications which would benefit. Indeed the laser was originally created without a specific technical aim, but is now one of the most important industrial tools. A room temperature superconductor could have an even bigger impact than lasers.
On 22 July 2023, researchers Sukbae Lee, Ji-Hoon Kim, and Young-Wan Kwon from the Quantum Energy Research Centre, Inc in South Korea released a pre-print article entitled "The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor". As this is a pre-print, it has not been subject to peer-review and, given the remarkable title, it will no doubt be subject to extremely detailed scrutiny over the coming months. The pre-print paper describes how a modified lead-apatite structure results in a super conductor which operates at ambient pressure up to 400 K. The pre-print paper suggests that the superconductivity results from "minute structural distortion by a slight volume shrinkage (0.48%)". Labs around the world are no doubt in the process of reproducing these experiments and trying to find alternative compounds. There is also

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LK-99
3D structure
InChI=1S/Cu.6H3O4P.O.9Pb/c;6*1-5(2,3)4;;;;;;;;;;/h;6*(H3,1,2,3,4);;;;;;;;;;/q+2;;;;;;;-2;9*+2/p-18Key: KZSIWLDFTIMUEG-UHFFFAOYSA-A
Chemical formula
Molar mass
2514.2 g·mol−1
Purple crystal when pure[1]
≈6.699 g/cm3
Crystal structure
Space group
P63/m, No. 176
Lattice constant
a = 9.843 Å, c = 7.428 Å
Lattice volume (V)
623.2 Å3
Formula units (Z)
Related compounds
Related compounds
Oxypyromorphite (lead apatite)
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).
Infobox references
LK-99 (from the Lee-Kim 1999

URL: https://yurisbel.com/lk-99-a-new-contender-in-room-temperature-superconductors-976cb11cf50f
TITLE: LK-99: A New Contender in Room-Temperature Superconductors?
CONTENT: Image created by Midjourney AI.In the world of condensed matter physics, one of the Holy Grails is the discovery of a material that can exhibit superconductivity at room temperature. LK-99, a newly discovered material, is currently at the forefront of this search. However, amidst the excitement, a wave of scrutiny and skepticism surrounds its potential as a room-temperature superconductor.The Advent of LK-99LK-99 is a material developed by Professor Lee Ki-Hyoung, a researcher based in Korea, and his team at the Q-Centre. Initially, the findings were submitted to Nature in 2020 but were rejected. Notably, the Q-Centre filed a patent application for LK-99 in the same year, followed by another patent application and a WIPO patent in 2023.Claimed Properties and Initial FindingsAccording to the researchers, LK-99 is an ambient-pressure room-temperature superconductor. The Q-Centre demonstrated the magnetic properties of a thin layer of LK-99 thermally deposited on a copper plate in a YouTube video published in February 2023.A series of academic publications summarizing initial findings came out in 2023. These papers contained the preliminary results of the investigation into LK-99’s potential superconducting properties. However, they were mired with controversies such as allegations of papers being uploaded without author permissions and unresolved academic disagreements.Replication Attempts and Theoreti

URL: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lk-99-superconducting-open-science-bhavik-patel-pfp
TITLE: LK-99 Superconducting Open Science
CONTENT: For the last week or so twitter rumors have been swirling around a potential room temperature superconductor named LK99, nowhere moreso than on Twitter (X)Firstly though the experiments seem promising nothing is confirmed at the moment, the sample sizes are small and while it appears promising there are huge amounts of uncertainty.Superconductors presently require extremely low temperatures to operate, common examples where superconductors are used would be MRI machines, particle accelerators & some supercomputers.Presently a ‘High Temperature’ Superconductor is one that operates with critical temperatures above 77 Kelvin (-196 Celsius, -321 Fahrenheit).Why should anyone care: If LK99 ends up being an actual room temperature superconductor we have the possibility of floating trains, nuclear fusion, zero resistance electricity, better supercomputers, Railguns to shoot satellites into orbit, a revolution in the electric grid, cheaper nuclear power, vastly superior batteries, nearly every electronic device would be vastly improved.LK99 has the possibility of unlocking multitudes of technologies even if it is verified as a room temperature superconductor, we have no idea if the substance will succeed on a commercial

URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2023/08/08/the-lk-99-discovery-may-fail-but-hopes-of-superconductivity-persist/
TITLE: The LK-99 Discovery May Fail, But Hopes of Superconductivity Persist
CONTENT: The dream of free energy transmission, first envisioned by Nikola Tesa's famous "Tesla Coil", is now ... [+] embodied by superconductors.Copyright 2012 AP. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
A team of South Korean scientists claims they discovered the first room temperature and ambient pressure superconductor that could revolutionize energy policy. Room-temperature semiconductors under normal pressure would not just enable cheap advanced computing but it would also enable the unlimited transmission of energy without any losses.
The policy and business implications of this are massive. Fields of solar panels in the Sahara could power entire continents, transmission problems made trivial, and climate change rendered far easier to combat.
This advance was allegedly achieved with a synthesized material dubbed LK-99. Rapidly, other teams began working to verify and replicate the findings, hoping for the technological discovery of a lifetime. Unfortunately for optimists, reality proved disappointing. First, Beijing’s Beihang University, then India’s National Physical Laboratory of Engineering both released scientific reports dispelling the LK-99 claims. Institutions in Japan, Europe, and America are currently, as of August 8th, 2023, racing out to publish their own statements.
To summarize the still-emerging scientific consensus, LK-99’s magnetic properties render practical operation infeasible. Superconductivity is when electrical res


LK-99 초전도체에 대한 특허 분석과 가능성은 현재 과학계와 산업계에서 큰 관심을 받는 주제 중 하나입니다. 아래에 제공된 정보를 기반으로 LK-99 초전도체의 특허와 가능성에 대해 설명드리겠습니다.

[특허 분석]
LK-99 초전도체에 관련된 특허 정보가 다음과 같이 있습니다:

WO2023027536A1: Room temperature and normal pressure superconducting ceramic compound, and method for manufacturing same [1]
WO2023027537A1: Room-temperature and atmospheric-pressure superconducting ceramic compound and preparation method therefor [2]
위의 특허들은 각각 LK-99 초전도체에 관련된 방법 및 조성을 다루고 있습니다. 이러한 특허는 LK-99 초전도체의 제조 방법과 특성을 상세히 설명하며, 연구 및 개발에 중요한 정보를 제공할 수 있습니다.

[가능성 및 관련 정보]
LK-99 초전도체는 상온 및 상압에서 초전도성을 나타낼 수 있는 물질로서, 기존의 초전도체들과는 다른 특성을 갖고 있습니다. 이로 인해 다양한 산업 분야에서 혁신적인 응용이 가능하다고 여겨집니다.

하지만 LK-99 초전도체의 가능성과 관련된 논의는 여전히 논란의 소지가 있습니다. 일부 연구자들은 LK-99 초전도체의 결과를 재현하려고 하면서 실험을 진행하고 있지만, 해당 결과의 신빙성과 검증 가능성을 논의하고 있습니다.

특히 미디어 및 연구자들 간에 LK-99 초전도체에 대한 관심과 논란이 높아져 있으며, 학술 논문 및 연구 결과에 따라 해당 물질의 실제 가능성이 결정될 것으로 보입니다.

위의 정보를 종합해 볼 때, LK-99 초전도체는 초전도성 분야에서의 흥미로운 주제이며, 가능성을 평가하는 연구와 실험이 활발하게 진행되고 있는 상태입니다. 이에 관심 있는 연구자들과 산업계는 LK-99 초전도체의 특성과 응용 가능성을 더욱 깊이 연구하고 평가할 것으로 예상됩니다.

출처 AI연구특허진흥원

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