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CVPR 사건에서 같은 연구실 공저자의 다른 논문 자가표절 의심됩니다. 근거 있음.




왼쪽: Towards fast and accurate object detection in bio-inspired spiking neural networks through Bayesian optimization IEEE Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org (서브미션은 2020년)

오른쪽: Spiking-yolo: spiking neural network for energy-efficient object detection Proceedings of the AAAI conference on …, 2020 - ojs.aaai.org (서브미션은 19년)

왼쪽 논문의
"Moreover, the spiking neurons integrate inputs into a membrane potential only when spikes are received, and generate (fire) spikes when the membrane potential reaches a certain threshold voltage"

오른쪽 논문의
"Moreover, the spiking neurons integrate inputs into a membrane potential when spikes are received and generate (fire) spikes when the membrane potential reaches a certain threshold"

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카카오 계정과 연동하여 게시글에 달린
댓글 알람, 소식등을 빠르게 받아보세요

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위 링크에 남겨진 표절 의혹은 ResearchGate에서 인용논문 자동첨부 한 걸 긁어와서 잘못된 것 같습니다.


저거 한문장은 표절로보기 힘들지않나요

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Towards Fast and Accurate Object Detection in Bio-Inspired Spiking Neural Networks Through Bayesian Optimization
Spiking-YOLO: Spiking Neural Network for Energy-Efficient Object Detection

As described in Eq. 3, SNNs use spike trains consisting of a series of binary spikes to convey information between neurons instead of real values in DNNs.
In contrary to DNNs, SNNs use spike trains consisting of a series of spikes to convey information between neurons.

SNNs use spike trains consisting of a series of binary spikes to convey information between neurons
중간에 binary 들어가는 것 제외 동일

Please note that the overall process is performed on training dataset based on an assumption that the distributions of the training and test datasets are similar.
This is based on an assumption that the distributions of the training and test datasets are similar.
based on an assumption that the distributions of the training and test datasets are similar

The target mAP of Tiny YOLO is 53.01% (PASC

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