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최근 업데이트 날짜: 2021년 10월 28일

오픈랩 정보 오류 신고하기

지금 연구실 모집중이에요!

대학원생 박사후연구원

대학원생, 박사후연구원, 학부생인턴 모집여부를 등록하려면?

  • 연구실 소개

    Greetings from Florida International University (FIU), Miami, USA! I have a BS degree in Architectural Studies and Engineering, an MS degree in Structural Engineering, and a Ph.D. degree in Computational Geomechanics (in particular, Discrete Element Simulation). I work at the interface of these areas through numerical modeling and simulations. Since I came to FIU, I have been working with Wind Engineering researchers (Yes, Miami is an area vulnerable to hurricanes as much as Korea is vulnerable to typhoons). I am also a member of the FIU Wall of Wind Experimental Facility (https://fiu.designsafe-ci.org/) which is one of 8 Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) large-scale experimental facilities sponsored by the US National Science Foundation (https://www.designsafe-ci.org/facilities/experimental/). We are constantly looking for highly motivated graduate students. Feel free to contact me at sjlee [at] fiu [dot] edu
  • 연구분야 키워드

    • #Architectural Studies and Engineering
    • #Discrete Element Method
    • #Engineering Mechanics
    • #Structural Engineering
    • #Wind Engineering
  • 졸업생 정보

    Alumni actively work in research institutes and private sectors.
    All graduate students successfully secured employment in the US.
  • 연구실 지원 방법

    You can contact me at sjlee [at] fiu [dot] edu with your CV. Then, we will have a Zoom chat.
    (Please no pressure to speak English well at the moment. 우리 한국어로 얘기할 거예요.)
  • 자격 조건

    Please check the university admissions website:
    The GRE examination has been temporarily waived from the graduate admissions requirements due to COVID-19.
    Duolingo test score (105 or higher) is also acceptable in lieu of TOEFL.
    Minimum GPA: UG60 > 3.0 (at least 3.0 for the last 60 credits earned from BS degree) or MS > 3.3 (for PhD program).
  • 대우 조건

    Research Assistantships (RA) and Teaching Assistantships (TA) are available.
    PhD student receives ~$1000 salary every 2 weeks (~$26K / year) in addition to the tuition waiver and health insurance benefits.
    Last but not least, FIU is the 4th largest university in the US, located in Miami, a beautiful place for the best work-life balance.
    국내대학원도 물론 좋지만, 미국유학도 한번 생각해보세요. 공부하면서 얻게 되는 미국에서의 좋은 기회와 경험들이 많이 있습니다.

학생 모집 게시판 최신 글

SCIE 논문 정보
김박사넷에 로그인하고 더 많은 기능을 이용해 보세요!
  • 1. 동일계열 연구실과 SCIE논문 정보를 비교할 수 있어요.
  • 2. 연구실에서 나온 논문목록을 찾아볼 수 있어요.
  • 3. 논문 기반으로 찾은 연구실 키워드를 열람할 수 있어요.
  • 4. 교수/연구원 즐겨찾기 기능으로 알람을 받을 수 있어요.

카카오 계정과 연동하여 김박사넷의
다양한 서비스를 이용해보세요!

이승재 부교수

Florida International University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
