오픈랩 정보는 PI가 직접 입력한 정보입니다.

최근 업데이트 날짜: 2023년 2월 2일

오픈랩 정보 오류 신고하기

지금 연구실 모집중이에요!

대학원생 박사후연구원

대학원생, 박사후연구원, 학부생인턴 모집여부를 등록하려면?

  • 연구실 소개

    We explorer previously-unknown territories in the vast ocean of quantum and topological materials. Our flagship is a uniquely-built hybrid molecular beam epitaxy system capable of creating various artificial materials with atomic precision, supported by variety of other advanced tools and collaboration teams. With these unique capabilities, we explore a range of hybrid thin film quantum materials including topological insulators, topological superconductors, Weyl/Dirac semimetals, materials for superconducting and topological quantum computation, 2D materials, and correlated oxides, searching for new physics and materials for quantum and topological applications.

    There is high demand for this area (including academia in South Korea), yet there are not sufficient number of people being trained.

    Specifically for those who are interested in returning to South Korea after PhD or Postdoc, there are likely to be high demand paricularly in academia.
  • 연구분야 키워드

    • #Heterostructures
    • #Magneto-topological materials
    • #Molecular beam epitaxy
    • #Topological quantum computation
    • #Topological quantum materials
    • #Topological superconductors
    • #양자 물질
    • #양자 컴퓨터
    • #위상 물질
  • 졸업생 정보

    Oak Ridge National Lab, Naval Research Lab, Chinese Academy of Science, Intel, Samsung, IPG Photonics, Diamond Foundry
  • 연구실 지원 방법

    As for the PhD program, apply through, https://physics.rutgers.edu/academics/graduate-program/admissions, and notify Prof. Oh by email (ohsean@physics.rutgers.edu).

    As for Postdoc position, contact directly Prof. Oh via the email
  • 자격 조건

    As for the PhD program, the minimun requirements are described in https://physics.rutgers.edu/academics/graduate-program/admissions

    As far as students pass the minimum requirement, all students from South Korea will be favorably reviewed.
  • 대우 조건

    All graduate students are financially fully supported at the level appropriate for the New Jersey living expenses.
    Postdocs will also receive competitive salaries.

연구실 홍보 게시판 최신 글

SCIE 논문 정보
김박사넷에 로그인하고 더 많은 기능을 이용해 보세요!
  • 1. 동일계열 연구실과 SCIE논문 정보를 비교할 수 있어요.
  • 2. 연구실에서 나온 논문목록을 찾아볼 수 있어요.
  • 3. 논문 기반으로 찾은 연구실 키워드를 열람할 수 있어요.
  • 4. 교수/연구원 즐겨찾기 기능으로 알람을 받을 수 있어요.
연관 정보

카카오 계정과 연동하여 김박사넷의
다양한 서비스를 이용해보세요!

오성식 교수

Rutgers University Department of Physics and Astronomy
