오픈랩 정보는 PI가 직접 입력한 정보입니다.

최근 업데이트 날짜: 2024년 9월 10일

오픈랩 정보 오류 신고하기

지금 연구실 모집중이에요!

대학원생 박사후연구원 학부생인턴

대학원생, 박사후연구원, 학부생인턴 모집여부를 등록하려면?

  • 연구실 소개

    Recruitment Announcement for Graduate Students in AI Master's, Integrated Master's-Ph.D., and Ph.D. Programs at Seoul National University

    (Enrollment in March 2025 / Applications Due in Early October 2024)

    For interested individual, please send your CV and a cover letter to kyskim@snu.ac.kr by September 2024 (Korean or English). We strongly welcome your self-motivation and interest!

    Lab Description:

    The Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics Lab (AIBL: https://aibl.snu.ac.kr/) at Seoul National University develops the latest AI fundamentals to state-of-the-art bioinformatics AI technologies to train Core + Medical AI experts capable of publishing papers in world-renowned AI conferences or Bioinformatics AI journals. Our lab supports growth beyond the simple title of AI expert by developing advanced AI technologies applicable to medical and biomedical data, fostering development into professionals in medical AI.
  • 연구분야 키워드

    • #Core AI, Medical AI, Theory-based AI, Real-world AI, 3D/4D/Graph Generative/Reconstruction AI, Inverse Problem AI
  • 연구실 지원 방법

    For interested individual, please send your CV and a cover letter to kyskim@snu.ac.kr by September 2024 (Korean or English). We strongly welcome your self-motivation and interest!

    Role Description:

    We are recruiting full-time Master's, Integrated Master's-Ph.D., and Ph.D. students to work as AI researchers at Seoul National University (Seoul, South Korea). This role includes researching and developing AI algorithms, data analysis, pattern recognition, statistical modeling, and collaborating with a team of experts to advance AI core technologies and their applications.
  • 자격 조건

    Key Responsibilities:

    Support distinctive growth as a Core AI and Medical AI expert, by presenting and publishing papers in world-renowned Top AI conferences and Bioinformatics AI journals

    Develop and implement SOTA AI algorithms, with publication of Top AI conferences and Bioinformatics AI journals

    Collaborate with AI researchers and medical expert teams to drive innovative AI solutions


    Capabilities or potentialities related to Computer Science (or AI) or Mathematics/Theoretical fields

    Strong motivation and experience in the field of AI (preference for top AI conference publication)

    Proficiency in AI/CS programming languages such as Python or C++

학생 모집 게시판 최신 글

SCIE 논문 정보
김박사넷에 로그인하고 더 많은 기능을 이용해 보세요!
  • 1. 동일계열 연구실과 SCIE논문 정보를 비교할 수 있어요.
  • 2. 연구실에서 나온 논문목록을 찾아볼 수 있어요.
  • 3. 논문 기반으로 찾은 연구실 키워드를 열람할 수 있어요.
  • 4. 교수/연구원 즐겨찾기 기능으로 알람을 받을 수 있어요.

카카오 계정과 연동하여 김박사넷의
다양한 서비스를 이용해보세요!

김경수 조교수

서울대학교 첨단융합학부
