Cyber-Physical Security Lab at DGIST is conducting research on software and systems security, with a focus on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Beyond traditional cyber-only computing systems, the complex and integrated CPS have unique characteristics. From the security perspective, they open unique research opportunities since they introduce additional attack vectors and post new challenges that existing cyber-oriented approaches cannot address well. The goal of our research is to design and develop novel techniques for secure and reliable autonomous CPS by bridging the gap between the cyber and physical domains. To this end, my work focuses on fundamental research questions associated with (1) cyber-physical attack and defense, (2) vulnerability discovery and elimination, (3) post-attack investigation, and more.
연구분야 키워드
#Autonomous Cars
#Cyber-Physical Systems
#Software Security
#Systems Security
연구실 지원 방법
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대우 조건
- 등록금 및 생활비 지원 - 기숙사 제공 - 국내/외 학회 참여 기회 제공 - 국내/해외 공동연구 지원